Overcome the reasons not to have breakfast and make it part of your day. If you’re too busy in the morning, prepare as much as you can the night before. Even if you are a self professed non-breakfast eater and have been for twenty years, you are fooling yourself to think that your body doesRead the rest of this entry…

Posts Tagged ‘healthy breakfast’
Healthy Quick Breakfast Ideas
August 26th, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistHere are some healthy, quick breakfast ideas the whole family will enjoy. Raw Organic Bar and a whole Piece of Fruit – This is about the quickest breakfast you can eat. Raw Organic Bars (my favorite energy bars) have 200 calories and a good amount of protein and fiber. Add in a large whole pieceRead the rest of this entry…
Breakfast: The FIRST Most Important Meal of the Day
August 21st, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistWe’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, now learn why. Breakfast is directly correlated to cognitive development and mental performance. After sleeping for 8 hours (yes, you should be getting 8 hours of sleep each night), the body needs fuel to power the body and the mind. Not havingRead the rest of this entry…