In some situations, you may feel guilty about nurturing your body and mind by spending time addressing your personal needs and being good to yourself. When these situations arise, it’s important that you remember that taking time to practice healthy habits and coping skills and celebrating your successes along the way will help you meetRead the rest of this entry…

Finding the Time to Self Nurture
August 14th, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistHow many times have you thought about something you’d like to do, but quickly reminded yourself that you don’t have time for it? Many of us spend so much time doing what we feel we must do, that we don’t have enough time to include things we would love to do. The feeling of notRead the rest of this entry…
Caffeine and Pregnancy
August 12th, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistCaffeine use during pre-pregnancy and pregnancy remains controversial. The current guidelines offer a safe range of 0-300 mg/ day. But, there have been studies that have shown ill effects on women at lower doses. Some women are simply more sensitive to caffeine and so to be on the safe side let’s set a more conservativeRead the rest of this entry…
Artificial Sweeteners and Your Pregnancy
August 10th, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistThere are a lot of options and much confusion when it comes to artificial sweeteners. Current government recommendations say that pregnant women can safely use low-calorie sweeteners in moderation, unless otherwise advised by their physicians. I advise patients to refrain from all artificial sweeteners during pregnancy. There are a variety of natural sugars that youRead the rest of this entry…
Vegetarian Sources of Protein
August 7th, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistProteins are made from small “building blocks” called amino acids. There are 8 essential amino acids which must be obtained from the diet. Animal foods such as meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and eggs, contain all 8 essential amino acids in one food. That makes them a “complete protein.” Plant foods don’t contain all 8Read the rest of this entry…
Pre-Pregnancy Check List
August 4th, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistHere is a pre-pregnancy check list to get you started on your way to a healthy happy pregnancy! q If you haven’t already done so, schedule your first prenatal visit with your practitioner. q Avoid alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, both first-hand and second-hand smoke. q If your immunizations are not up to date, let yourRead the rest of this entry…
Relieving Stress through Mindful Practice
August 1st, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistNearly everyone feels stress on a daily basis. Stress is the body’s response to challenging situations and circumstances. When stressed, the body produces chemicals to prepare for a “fight-or-flight” response. This gives us the energy to fight or run away in life threatening situations. Even when there is no danger to our life, many situationsRead the rest of this entry…