Feeling adventuresome? A vegan challenge is like traveling to a foreign country. You’ll step out of your usual surroundings and learn to look at food differently as you begin to explore your world with a new perspective. Created by local celebrity nutritionist Angela Pifer, whose videos and articles have been featured on MSN Health, Kashi.com and Livestrong.comRead the rest of this entry…

Is Corn Sugar Healthy?
September 26th, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist, Angela Pifer writes: How do you turn high fructose corn syrup into a healthy and fresh new harmless corn sugar? You rename it. The corn refiners recently launched a new campaign to rename the one single ‘food’ that Americans consume more than any other food calorie, high fructose corn syrup. With consumption ofRead the rest of this entry…
Does Sugar Affect Cholesterol Levels?
August 12th, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist Angela Pifer writes: If you have high cholesterol, chances are you were instructed to reduce your intake of total fat, specifically animal fats, from your diet, become more active and to work on weight loss. What you weren’t told is that you should also address your sugar intake. A new study published inRead the rest of this entry…
Danskin Triathlon Training – What to Eat
July 27th, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist Angela Pifer writes: Participating in a Danskin Triathlon is an experience like you have never imagined. Thousands of women coming together to warm heartedly compete and cheer each other on. For registered participants, training plans are offered on the site. But how should you eat? Food is fuel and training for the DanskinRead the rest of this entry…
The Truth About Fats, Carbohydrates and Protein in the American Diet
July 22nd, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistLet’s explore the trends of the past few decades and take a look at the affects of lowing or increasing fat, carbohydrates and proteins on the American waistline and identify the right approach to eating healthy.
Conscious Eating: How to Eat with Awareness
April 27th, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist Angela Pifer writes: When was the last time you sat down and ate dinner without any distractions? It is rare that we’re simply eating when we’re eating. Meals have become yet another task we squeeze in during the day. In fact, 66 percent of Americans report regularly eating dinner in front of theRead the rest of this entry…
A Big Baby May Not Be a Healthy Baby
March 23rd, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist Angela Pifer writes: New estimates place 12.5% of children as obese. Though most efforts target schoolchildren, new reports say this is not earlier enough. The best time to prevent weight problems may be in infancy and more likely, the womb, reports Roni Rabin in Tuesday’s Science Times. She writes: New research suggests thatRead the rest of this entry…