Question: Do we need
48 oz of water intake or is it 64 oz per day.
Answer: Current
recommendations for water are 8, eight ounce glasses per day
which would equal 64 ounces. This amount should be sufficient
for most healthy persons who are not in a hot, humid environment
or sweating from physical work or exercise and should drink more
water, more often.
There is an easier method to seeing if you are hydrated: pay
attention to the color of your urine each time you urinate.
(Urine that has accumulated in your bladder during sleep will be
more concentrated and yellow. Otherwise, if your kidneys didn't
concentrate urine during sleep, you would have to wake up to
urinate.) After the urinating the first time after waking up,
your urine should be light yellow and odorless for the remainder
of the day. This assumes that you have normal functioning
kidneys and no bladder disease or infection.