News headlines over the past two days have read: women who are postmenopausal should not take vitamin D and calcium for bone health – these supplements do not prevent fractures. Did the IOM get this right?

Posts in the ‘Current Affairs’ Category
No Calcium and Vitamin D for Old Bones – Did the IOM Get it Right?
March 4th, 2013 by Angela, NutritionistSneak Attack on Supplements: FDA and Senator Durbin Use Slow News Day to Launch Attack on Supplement Industry
July 2nd, 2011 by Angela, NutritionistI am motivated to share this news release from the The Alliance for Natural Health USA with my readers – the FDA is once again trying to prevent Americans from having access to supplements. ——– Yesterday, both the FDA and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) dropped policy “bombs” on those of us who use dietary supplements.Read the rest of this entry…
USDA Announces My Plate – Will Subsidies Follow Suit?
June 4th, 2011 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist writes: The USDA unveiled its new food plate model to replace the food pyramid. It suggests to Americans that they fill half their plates with fruits and vegetables. The USDA’s new plate model could not be more at odds with federal food subsidies promote high fat, high calorie food products and grossly under-subsidizeRead the rest of this entry…
Is Corn Sugar Healthy?
September 26th, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist, Angela Pifer writes: How do you turn high fructose corn syrup into a healthy and fresh new harmless corn sugar? You rename it. The corn refiners recently launched a new campaign to rename the one single ‘food’ that Americans consume more than any other food calorie, high fructose corn syrup. With consumption ofRead the rest of this entry…
Does Sugar Affect Cholesterol Levels?
August 12th, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist Angela Pifer writes: If you have high cholesterol, chances are you were instructed to reduce your intake of total fat, specifically animal fats, from your diet, become more active and to work on weight loss. What you weren’t told is that you should also address your sugar intake. A new study published inRead the rest of this entry…
The Truth About Fats, Carbohydrates and Protein in the American Diet
July 22nd, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistLet’s explore the trends of the past few decades and take a look at the affects of lowing or increasing fat, carbohydrates and proteins on the American waistline and identify the right approach to eating healthy.
A Big Baby May Not Be a Healthy Baby
March 23rd, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistSeattle Nutritionist Angela Pifer writes: New estimates place 12.5% of children as obese. Though most efforts target schoolchildren, new reports say this is not earlier enough. The best time to prevent weight problems may be in infancy and more likely, the womb, reports Roni Rabin in Tuesday’s Science Times. She writes: New research suggests thatRead the rest of this entry…
Women Who Drink Tend to Be Thinner
March 11th, 2010 by Angela, NutritionistBellevue Nutritionist, Angela Pifer writes: A new study, based on the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), was recently published with the finding that “women who drink moderately are less likely to gain weight over time than those who don’t.” The study did not find a causal link and only offers loose theories to explain their findings.Read the rest of this entry…
Can you really afford to be sick this year? Five Steps to Keeping the Flu at Bay
October 22nd, 2009 by Angela, NutritionistIt’s not every day that the federal government offers guidelines to small businesses in preparation for the flu season. Since the H1N1 outbreak is fore casted to reach a world pandemic, this is not your every day flu. The guidelines listed at are meant to help companies develop response and planning strategies around employeeRead the rest of this entry…