Angela Pifer, Certified Nutritionist Here is my radio interview with KIRO radio reporter Bill Radke. He titled it ‘How to Look Good in a Bathing Suite.’ I’d call it ‘Top Three Ways to Be Healthy!’ More audio at

Archive for June, 2012
Detoxification for a Healthy Body – PCC Article
June 27th, 2012 by Angela, NutritionistHere is a great article by Tom Ballard, R.N., N.D. – from the front page of PCC Market’s newsletter: “What is detoxification?” “My doctor says detoxification is quackery.” “Aren’t the levels of toxins too low to cause harm?” These questions come up with increasing frequency in conversation and the media. The truth is, we liveRead the rest of this entry…
Is Coconut Water a Healthy Beverage?
June 27th, 2012 by Angela, NutritionistAngela Pifer, Certified Nutritionist I just did an interview with Kiro Radio reporter Tim Haeck on the health benefits of coconut water. Here is the article: Here is the article link: Tim Haeck, 97.3 KIRO FM Reporter Gatorade has been around for years, a staple on sports sidelines from Little League to theRead the rest of this entry…